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Opis vseh aktivnosti

CodeActivity typeCommencing inActivity description
C1Short training programmes for employeesNov. 2020Be healthy, be strong
P1Other project
Nov. 2020MAKING STUDENTS FAMILIAR WITH THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT – The idea of the project will be promoted in the school communities. Willing students will be offered participation in the project.
CHOOSING THE PROJECT LOGO – A competition will be announced among the partner schools. As a result of the online vote, we will choose the most interesting logo for the ‘Passport to Health’ project. The logo will be common to all countries and will allow us to express the idea of the project.
COMPETITION FOR A PASSPORT DESIGN – each school will conduct a competition for a passport design. This activity will help to engage students and will be an opportunity to promote the project in the school community. In their  passports, students will collect stamps for gaining merit badges in the following categories: physical activity, nutrition, self-awareness.
HARE AND HOUNDS – outdoor sport and recreation activities  for students divided into several groups. Activities held in close contact with nature will reduce the fear from physical activity among less fit children and will provide an opportunity for project participants to get to know one another.
P2Other project activitiesJan. 2021HEALTH ON A PLATE- workshops with a nutritionist organised for children and their families. Contemporary nutrition pyramid; the hand principle, daily meals plan. The aim is to build a system of knowledge concerning the principles of nutrition and inspiring action. The parents’ assistance will help us to build child support network.
STEP BY STEP –  fun activity involving a pedometer. Students will take notes of the number of steps they have taken in a week time. This task will encourage them to reflect on their own physical activity. It will be repeated periodically in order to consolidate the habit of walking, including climbing the stairs. Fast walks are forms of movement most beneficial to our muscular and skeletal systems. They can be performed in any place and under any conditions. MAKE YOUR PARENTS MOVE – students will make short films presenting physical exercises performed together in the family. This activity aims to involve parents in physical activity with their children.
C2Short-term student exchangesMarch 2021Healthy cooking mania.
P3Other project activitiesMarch 2021The healthiest and most appealing LUNCH-BOX –
 a contest for best photos and recipes. Through this action we will encourage children and their parents to prepare a nutritious and diversified lunch. We want to create a trend among children to eat healthy products and take time to prepare their meals. This is important in times of constant rush and  fast-food consumption. Calculation of the energy value of a meal based on the summary tables of nutrition standards prepared by the Institute of Food and Nutrition. IT’S ALWAYS BETTER WITH MUSIC – group exercises with music, integration activities through learning ‘Belgian’ dance. Workshops held by a school dance club. This task is intended to make students experience the joy of having fun and moving their bodies, which is the basis of every individual’s well-being. INTERNATIONAL MEETING IN GREECE
P4Other project activitiesApril 2021MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT OBESITY – preparing multimedia presentations and showing them to the school community. The Internet and magazines are full of ‘wonderful’ diets. Some of them are dangerous to health. The task will help students to confront the problem of eating disorders and  the pressure  young people are subjected to these days.
FAVOURITE OUTDOOR GAMES – through physical activity we positively influence the development of the cardiopulmonary system (healthy heart and lungs), locomotive organs (healthy bones, muscles and joints) and nervous system (correct coordination and control of movement) in a form that is pleasant for students. The activity will show children the possibility of spending their free time actively in a peer group.
C3Short-term student exchanges  May 2021Activity for everyone.
P5Other project activitiesMay 2021FOOD GOOD FOR YOUR BRAIN – meeting with a nutritionist combined with cooking. Students will learn about products that enhance brain performance, intellect, concentration and memory. They will learn what to eat to keep the brain in a good condition, and which products are better avoided. They will prepare simple dishes which keep the brain in good shape.
WHAT WILL QUENCH YOUR THIRST? – experiments comparing the effects of drinking coke, sweetened drinks and water on your  body. Water as the best thirst-quenching liquid. IN A JUNGLE GYM – a trip to the rope park. The aim of this activity is to provide participants with active and joyful relaxation in natural surroundings. When overcoming the obstacles of the rope park, children will have the opportunity to develop a sense of self-confidence, to coordinate their movements and break the barrier of height anxiety. Participants will develop learn the feelings of courage, fortitude, solidarity, fellowship and duty. INTERNATIONAL MEETING IN POLAND
P6Other project activitiesJune 20215KM BIKE RIDE, a joint physical activity of children and their parents aimed at supporting students’ psycho-physical development. It will make them understand the reasons and sense of making effort for one’s own body, fitness, health and coordination. Students will get to know the neighbouring areas. They will prepare themselves logistically for the road. The trip should encourage them to organise a similar trip for their families.
A FAMILY BIKE RIDE – recording and placing the films in the Project Journal.
CHILL OUT – a meeting with a school psychologist discussing the impact of stress on our health and ways of dealing with it. The aim of the classes is to teach the skills of coping with the tension that appears in difficult situations, to recognise the signs of stress, to bring closer the meaning of positive thinking and to learn some relaxation exercises. The classes conducted in an active form will allow students to learn how to deal with stress being a frequent cause of compulsive overeating.
P7Other project activitiesSept. 2021REGIONAL CUISINE, e.g. baking cebularze (onion pies) in an onion pie museum or participating in bread baking workshops.The aim of the classes is to learn how to produce traditional, healthy, unprocessed food, based on seasonal products and replaced by highly processed food. Introducing students into slow food instead of fast food. Slow food is what our grandmothers used to cook. Slow food is not only traditional, natural food, but also a kind of philosophy that encourages us to slow down.
COOKING WITH GRANDMA – Students will get a recipe for their grandmother’s favourite dish and will document  cooking it together in the Project Journal.
AQUA AEROBIC – the main objective of the classes is to improve the students’  fitness, develop the coordination of individual muscle parts and shape the positive attitude towards physical activity and exercises in water. The pleasure of beneficial contact with water, especially encouraging students with fear of water.
C4Short-term student exchangesOct. 2021Slow food, slow life – happy people.
P8Other project activitiesOct. 2021VITAMIN ADVENTURE – preparing a short presentation about the principles of healthy eating  presented in a funny form. The presentation will be combined with the promotion of healthy food and shown in the kindergartens or in an after-school cubs. It will be part of the project results dissemination. ACTIVITY FULL OF EMOTIONS – a trip to a place of nature combined with a field game, physical exercises, culinary workshops and relaxation in contact with nature. It is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle. Participants will learn about the natural, historical and cultural values of the area. They will learn about  the species of inedible and poisonous plants and the dangers resulting from their consumption. The participants  will propose a menu for the time of the trip – tasty meals, consistent with the principles of healthy eating. This task will be an opportunity to experience the joy of physical activity and contact with nature. Planning a menu will increase their sense of gaining control over issues related to nutrition. INTERNATIONAL MEETING IN SPAIN.
P9Other project activitiesNov. 2021DOES SUGAR GIVE ENERGY? – creating charts and models showing the sugar content of drinks and food products. The aim of the workshop is to determine the sugar content of food and beverages by using glucose test strips. Students will learn to read product labels and prepare models of sugar content. They will learn about sugar substitutes and their advantages and disadvantages.
MUSIC REDUCES STRESS- learning the integration dance  “Cotton Eye Joe”. Dance is one of the ways of experiencing and conveying emotions, a form of physical and spiritual expression, a way to play and relax. It enables the regeneration of physical and mental forces and increases motor fitness. The aim of the classes is to support the students’ harmonious physical development, to satisfy their natural need for movement, to learn how to live together in a harmonious group and to obey the established rules. This activity will help to increase students’ awareness of their own bodies, will enhance their coordination and motor fitness.
C5Short-term student exchangesDec. 2021Be active, be fit.
P10Other project activitiesDec. 2021OUR TRADITIONAL REGIONAL CHRISTMAS DISHES – a joint project involving designing a cookbook with Christmas dishes from different parts of Europe. Students work out recipes for the Christmas dishes they prepare at home. HOW TO BUY HEALTHY PRODUCTS? – workshops with an expert on the subject of label reading, food storage and meal planning. Designing a dictionary with the names of  ingredients  in English. This task is intended to build conscious consumer attitudes. INTERNATIONAL MEETING IN GERMANY
P11Other project activitiesJan. 2022FAMILY NORDIC WALKING. Participants will learn the technique of walking and its advantages: weight loss and muscle strengthening, prevention of cardiovascular and spinal diseases and relieving the strain on joints. The classes will have a positive impact on family relations. Nordic walking can be practised in any climate, in any terrain, on all surfaces and, most importantly, all year round. SIGNIFICANCE OF SLEEP TO ONE’S HEALTH – workshops with a psychologist. The aim of the workshop is to show the impact of sleep on our health. Both students and their parents will learn the principles of hygiene of the central nervous system. They will become aware of the importance of sleep, which is particularly valuable for people addicted to games and social media.
P12Other project activitiesApr. 2022KEEP FIT – using the knowledge students have gained so far, they design their own board games with healthy lifestyle rules. Students divided into groups will design and produce games for different age levels. The games will be stored in the after-school club or the school library and will serve as didactic tools for other students to be used in biology, science classes or lessons on healthy lifestyle. RELAXATIONAL EXERCISES – workshops with an expert. The main aim of the classes is to improve mental comfort. Students  will learn the correct relaxation exercises and will be able to perform them together with their parents. Relaxation exercises are one of the best ways to fight stress. Especially recommended  for people who are exposed to frequent and prolonged stress associated with different life situations.  The biggest advantage of this type of activity is that it can be done virtually anywhere.
P13Other project activitiesMay 2022FIT CANTEEN – Can we change school menus? The project participants will conduct a short survey among those students and teachers who eat their meals in the school canteen. They will prepare a list of favourite healthy dishes. Next, they will meet with the school nutritionist who will explain to them the rules governing the menus and will answer their questions. The participants will present the results of the school survey to the nutritionist. They will all have a discussion on possible changes in the school menu. A FAMILY MAY DAY – Participants of the project will prepare a plan (route,  movement games, healthy menu) and will take part in a family May Day. They will use the acquired knowledge and skills to spend time actively and pleasantly in natural surroundings. This activity will foster the integration of the family, and teach them to take  responsibility for the performance of conferred tasks. The aim is to encourage parents to spend time together actively with their children and to eliminate the fear of nature.
P14Other project activitiesJune 2022HEALTH PLAN – Preparing a personal model of a healthy lifestyle. Achieving success depends on proper definition of objectives, the planning of tasks leading to a goal and their consistent implementation. Each project participant will prepare their own HEALTH PLAN. They will make their own self-diagnosis and will choose 3 objectives related to the areas where they can achieve the greatest success, and will write them down in the form of specific tasks. Students will implement their health plans during summer holidays. After the summer break they will assess which plans they have managed to implement. The project participants are aware of the impact of their own lifestyles on their health, they are able to analyse their habits and plan changes in their lifestyles which will have a positive impact on their health. TIME FOR HEALTH – divided into small groups, the project participants  will plan and perform a daily portion of physical activity in their favourite form.  This task helps to consolidate good habits. They will prepare a photographic account of their activity.
P15Other project activitiesSept. 2022HEALTH CALENDAR – preparing a health calendar. Participants of the programme will gather photos, recipes and health tips they would like to include in the calendar. The German partners will then sort out the materials received from all partners and will prepare
a calendar for the year 2022.
HEALTH PLAN – volunteers will present a visualisation of their health plans.  A personal model of a healthy lifestyle was prepared by the students in June and implemented for at least 30 days of summer holidays.  They will also prepare multimedia albums presenting their long-term holiday activities, which will be published in the Project Journal. Students will also prepare multimedia albums of long-term holiday activities, which will be published in the Project Journal. Students who have been most persistent in their HEALTH PLANS will receive prizes.
C6Short training programmes for employeesOct. 2022The most efficient activities in promoting healthy lifestyle.
P16Other project activitiesOct. 2022A ball for School Health Ambassadors – ceremonial ending of project activities during a joint costume ball. Integration games and dances learned during the project activities. Summary of work results. Project participants will receive Health Ambassadors Diplomas. We will evaluate the usefulness of the project for its participants, school community and local environment. TEACHER TRAINING MEETING IN SLOVENIA

Project schedule
